INSPIRATIONAL REGRESSION (ir) IS a hypnotherapy or guided meditation method allowing to access positive, inspirational "other lives" of the client - in the historic past, future or modern times, in a current timeline or different timelines, on Earth or on other planets or in different dimensions. Unlike traditional past life therapy Inspirational regression is geared mostly towards positive experiences, carrying over useful skills and attitudes, consciousness expansion and creative inspiration.
Inspirational regression can help you
- to satisfy your curiousity about your other lives (past, future or parallel lives)
- explore occupations and skills in the other lives
- carry over useful abilities into the current life
- explore relationships with important people
- get new ideas or styles for creative artwork, music or writing
- connect with transpersonal beings and higher aspects of your self (Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Councils, Ascended Masters, Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Animals, ET aspects etc)
- visit extra-terrestrial or other-dimensional worlds where your soul lived or originated
- to satisfy your curiousity about your other lives (past, future or parallel lives)
- explore occupations and skills in the other lives
- carry over useful abilities into the current life
- explore relationships with important people
- get new ideas or styles for creative artwork, music or writing
- connect with transpersonal beings and higher aspects of your self (Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Councils, Ascended Masters, Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Animals, ET aspects etc)
- visit extra-terrestrial or other-dimensional worlds where your soul lived or originated